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Meet our group!

We are Kailani, Brianna, and Ean.  This website was created to give an example vacation and its expenditures to Italy, the place of our choice. We were given a budget of $3,473.90 per person or $10,421.70 for the whole group. The purpose of this project was to help us develop skills of planning financially. This skill can help us in the future when we are adults and want to plan a vacation similar to this. There were a few limitations to this project. First, it had to be reasonable. (For example, we can't swim from New York to Italy.) Second, the activities we picked to do would need to be things we would actually do. (For example, if we all hate hiking, we probably shouldn't use that activity.) Third, the food and hotel had to be reasonable as well. (We would have to look at hotels we would actually want to sleep in, and eat things we would actually eat.)


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